Thursday, March 12, 2009

State of slumdogs.

India is a secular state of slumdogs! The statement can’t be an exaggeration if you ever happened to be at the New Delhi railway station. Considered the nodal point where people from across the country would take the India story of hope and betterment to their remote hamlets, it seems, in deep contrast, to be a place where the euphoria is dying in the stinking parallel lines of despair and agony.

I happened to be here to see off my friend who had come calling for a Delhi visit. A first timer to the capital, thrown into the chaos, he said, ‘We are not to be called a giant elephant or roaring tiger, but donkeys!’ the state of capital's railway station says it all. No basic amenities, the incompetent information officers and the mad crowd -- to board a train from here seemed the toughest job we would have ever attempted in our life.
For the 1.40 PM train, my friend waited till 2 to get the first information that the train is late by 30 minutes. My friend would have had a nervous break down had he been alone carrying three huge bags of luggage. I took the pain to jostle through the crowd seeking whatever little information I can get of the delayed train.15 minutes later we got to know about the platform for us to board the train. Since I was denied the platform ticket for security reasons ( Republic Day security check), my friend had to make it alone to platform no 5.The ordeal would be over soon, I said and all I could wish him was - to guard his pocket, luggage and life!

Finally a faint voice cried that our train is destined to reach platform no 16. In only 10 minutes stay the train had at the station, my friend had to fly from platform 5 to platform 16! In the mad crowd outside, biting my nails I said, ‘Here am, my friend wishing you Bon voyage. But what story would you take home? An emerging superpower? The shining India? Or the land of destitutes? Dannyl Boyle and the likes, we've enough stories for you!

1 comment:

  1. Really pathetic..did ur friend reach home safely?i think its more or less the same situation at mumbai railway station also.
