Thursday, March 12, 2009


My memories are painted red. Which other colour would symbolize the essence of a life lived in a communist state? Spending almost 24 years of my life in Kerala, which democratically elected the world's first communist government to power, and where Marx was considered next to God - as both coexisted well.Marxism was a way of empowerment people believed in,a way to dissent the oppressor,than other complexities they were taught in party study classes.Feudalism gave way to a more egalitarian society and we had local heroes to revere, who made it possible. People lined up for red volunteer marches, seeking their rights, Gheraos, thundering slogans, the young comrades in colleges who wore Che on their sleeves, whom we looked up to, the time when silk dressed men were considered bourgeoisie and every disputes got settled in party offices which acted as a quasi state whenever the party was in power, marks the heydays of the party in my memories. But I realise now, the people were blind in their belief in Communism. The latest news to hit headlines is the corruption charges against the party chief. But this isn't the news that will shook the masses whose staunch belief made this party grow, because they have already realized the red flag fluttering is no more of the peasants’ party but of an empire like CP(I)M Inc., their latest business venture being a water theme park. The factional feud that took party by storm was nothing but a struggle for power by party's two warhorses, than any ideological conflicts, because the party seems to have long shelved the outdated ideology finding it too unrealistic to put into practice. While the communists were drunk on power, a Malayalee terrorist was shot dead trying to trespass the LOC, a few others masterminded the Banglore blasts, Godmen and Godwomen took spiritual ventures into the booming real estate market, caste-based groups mushroomed and colluded with fundamentalists tearing the secular fabric of the state. It is no wonder the state is already slipping in ranks of social indices, which we boasted were the gifts of the Marxist revolution. It must be really saddening for the masses who built the party by their sweat and hardships to realize their Red is the new yellow, white and green.

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